Eclipse how to install ant
Eclipse how to install ant

We will take a small sample program that will explain Ant functionality very clearly. To run Ant from eclipse go to build.xml file -> right click on file -> Run as… -> click Build file

  • java tag will execute main function from the jar created in compile target section.
  • eclipse how to install ant

  • ‘depends’ attribute used to make one target to depend on another target.
  • Manifest tag will set your main class for execution Step 2) Unzip the folder and go to and copy path to the root of unzipped folder Steps to install Ant in Windows is as follows
  • It makes your code clean as configuration is separate from actual application logic.
  • It is a simple build tool where all configurations can be done using XML file and which can be executed from the command line.
  • eclipse how to install ant

  • A complete application is created for End to End delivery and deployment.
  • other Jar file’s class path is set by Ant build file.
  • Third party API dependency can be set by Ant i.e.
  • clean, compile, set dependency, execute, report, etc.

    eclipse how to install ant

  • Ant creates the application life cycle i.e.
  • It stores, executes and automates all process in a sequential order mentioned in Ant’s configuration file (usually build.xml). Here comes the importance of a build tool like Ant. If these tasks are done one by one manually, it will take an enormous time, and the process will be prone to errors. While creating a complete software product, one needs to take care of different third party API, their classpath, cleaning previous executable binary files, compiling our source code, execution of source code, creation of reports and deployment code base etc.

    Eclipse how to install ant